What makes scents non-toxic for candles, soaps, and home fragrance?

What makes scents non-toxic for candles, soaps, and home fragrance?

Think about the amount of scent one candle releases into a room. Then imagine yourself surrounded by dozens or hundreds of open, cooling candle jars. That's what candlemakers experience every time we produce hand-poured candles.

I want the safest experience for my customers, but also, for myself and my increased exposure. Many companies sell products shrouded in mystery. Ingredients lists are required for food products, but not fragrance, candles, and many other things we use daily. As someone at higher risk for breast cancer, I want to keep myself safe, healthy, and alive for as long as possible.

Here is some info on what I avoid:

Phthalates: Widely used in fragrance even today, these esters are added to plastic to make them flexible or translucent. They are cheap, and make fragrances smell stronger. However, can cause organ damage including the reproductive system.

Prop 65 or similar: California has the most stringent safety laws and requires warning labels on products with compounds known to cause harm. This isn't just a scary synthetic chemical problem: natural substances include lead, and even some essential oils.

Carcinogens: These are materials known or thought to cause cancer. 

Mutagens: Materials that change the DNA of a cell, harming the cell and causing diseases like cancer. 

Reproductive toxins: Toxins that adversely affect reproductive organs and increase the risk of birth defects. 

Organ toxins: These are toxins that can cause adverse effects or disease within specific bodily organs. 

Acute toxins: Toxins that can cause adverse effects from a single exposure. Generally, this would be accidental exposure like spillage or ingestion. 

Don't just take my word for it- see the links above on each of the banned categories to read more. 

The fragrance industry is slowly changing, but, its important to me to be at the forefront of safety in fragrance oils. These safer formulations cost more, however, I think our health and safety are worth it!

-Allison Ritto Almstedt, owner and maker at Allison's Artisan Goods

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